Providers at the Western Ohio-based health system work with staff at more than 70 schools to keep kids healthy and avoid ER visits using virtual care.
Last year, Health Partners of Western Ohio had been tasked with providing school-based healthcare in 71 sites across the Toledo, Ohio, area.
Many of these locations would not have Health Partners’ employees present to administer examinations, and some of the personnel on-site had minimal or no medical training. So telemedicine immediately came to mind.
When it came to personnel with no medical training, of the telemedicine platforms that Health Partners auditioned, only Tyto Care was intuitive enough so that even lay people could provide meaningful examinations to assist with off-site providers.
The telehealth platform’s software and hardware provides in-examination guidance to the patient or lay assistant through video imaging on the examination device that gives directions to the examiner on placement and guidance to acquire medical-quality audio recording, video recording and still images to be sent to the provider back at Health Partners.
“Orientation of new personnel has been very straightforward, starting with the YouTube videos posted by Tyto Care, which show the hardware and software in action,” said Dr. Warren “Calvin” Morris, chief clinical officer at Health Partners of Western Ohio. “Even those who are squeamish around computers quickly gain the skills they need to be effective.
“By far this hardware and software [are] the least intimidating of anything else we auditioned, while providing equal or superior clinical information.”
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