Home Smart Clinic - TytoCare

I’m all ears

Telehealth is feeling… fine?

High costs for
health plans and
Poor access to
quality care

These are challenges that telehealth promised to solve. But is it working?

Utilization is low, and clinicians can’t truly diagnose common conditions remotely (ever tried listening to heart or lung sounds on a video call?)

Total cost of care has not gone down, and telehealth hasn’t generated positive ROI.


Health Delivery Gap™

We can order almost anything to our homes (giant baguette pillow, anyone?), but the home is ill-equipped to deliver the quality of care comparable to an in-person healthcare visit.


The Home Smart Clinic

Primary care from home, with no compromises

We believe there is no reason why meeting your doctor remotely from your living room should be any less effective than in the clinic. Doctors should be equipped with best-in-class insights that give a snapshot into their patient’s unique state of health.

heart rate

Primary care modality enabler

All primary care modalities need slightly different focuses, and TytoCare covers them all: acute care, chronic condition management, and preventive.

start rating

Member journeys & engagement

TytoCare provides a comprehensive library of blueprints, advisory consulting services, and robust, full-stack marketing engine, tailored to each specific program and cohort.

TytCcare device with sign of checkmark

Remote physical exams

TytoCare’s FDA-cleared handheld solution enables clinicians to conduct medical exams remotely for accurate diagnoses – e.g., listen to heart and lung sounds, look into the ear canal, throat, blood pressure, blood oxygen levels, weight, and more.

Exam icons
Mindful icon

AI-powered guidance & diagnostic support

Our AI-powered functionality guides patients when conducting exams, and supports clinician diagnoses by detecting wheezes, crackles, and more.


Health plan and provider integrations

TytoCare’s software connectors streamline integrations with customer systems, including EMRs, proprietary virtual-first mobile apps, and more.

The clinic has come home underline underline

Finally, families everywhere can enjoy the best remote primary care we all deserve.

How to ensure success:

Tyto Engagement Labs™

TytoCare created a proven framework that includes all the required building blocks for successful deployment and adoption of the TytoCare Home Smart Clinic. This framework is based on TytoCare’s learnings from behavioral science, and from years of successful deployments with our partners globally. It is designed in a flexible way that allows adaptations depending on the audience or the modality being addressed. It includes the following services:

Engagement blueprints

Detailed blueprints based on TytoCare’s experience launching virtual care programs into the global market, designed to promote the required behavioral change from all stakeholders.

Engagement advisory

Consulting services provided by TytoCare’s user engagement experts, to improve collaboration with customers and user engagement activities.

Engagement engine

Robust, full-stack marketing services using TyoCare’s marketing experts and technologies, in order to offload the heavy lifting from customers and ensure successful end-to-end user journey execution.

Family on sofa with phone taking selfie

How to measure success:

Home Health Delivery Metrics™

Successful Home Smart Clinic deployments cannot be measured by utilization rates alone. Success should be measured by indicators that directly impact the critical business metrics of quality, equity, cost, and retention/acquisition. Our D.R.I.V.E. metrics give a framework for optimal measurement of the success of virtual care programs.

Diagnostic capabilities

Home Smart Clinic solutions must enable accurate diagnoses, and also a broad range of diagnosis capabilities.


ICD-10 codes diagnosed more accurately than with traditional audio/video telehealth

Retention and acquisition

To impact overall business metrics, the Home Smart Clinic should increase retention and encourage acquisition of new members and patients.

NPS score creating more satisfied patients and increased user retention


Any Home Smart Clinic solution must increase access to care and equity, bringing health into the home, for all communities.

NPS among Medicaid beneficiaries both urban and underserved areas

Visit resolution

Along with diagnostic capabilities comes higher visit resolution numbers, for more effective care, no readmissions, and a reduction in unnecessary visits.

remote visit resolution to keep families at home with access to lower cost


To measure behavioural change, there should be a rise in NPS scoring, in utilization rates, and in repeat visits.

utilization rate of traditional audio and video telehealth solutions